















留学, 教育体制, 公立小学, 学生发展, 教育资源


In China’s education system, public schools have always played an important role. However, with the development of the economy and the improvement of people’s living standards, more and more parents are starting to consider sending their children to study abroad. For students in public primary schools in China, studying abroad means more opportunities for learning and better educational resources. So, how do public primary school students in China choose and prepare for studying abroad has become a hot topic.

Reasons for Choosing to Study Abroad

Firstly, one of the reasons for choosing to study abroad is to have access to a wider range of educational resources. The education system in foreign countries is usually more flexible and focuses on cultivating students’ creativity and comprehensive qualities. Through studying abroad, students in public primary schools in China can be exposed to diverse teaching methods and curriculum settings, thus obtaining a more comprehensive education.

Secondly, public primary school students in China choose to study abroad because they recognize the quality of education in foreign countries. Foreign schools generally emphasize cultivating students’ independent thinking and innovation abilities, and developing students’ comprehensive qualities. This educational philosophy differs to some extent from the domestic education system. Therefore, some parents hope to let their children receive a more comprehensive and diverse education through studying abroad.

Preparation for Studying Abroad

Firstly, parents should have some understanding of the education system in the destination country. The education systems in different countries have certain differences. Understanding the educational characteristics and teaching methods of the target country can help parents better choose suitable schools.

Secondly, students in public primary schools in China should learn the language and culture of the target country in advance before studying abroad. Language is the bridge of communication, and mastering the language of the target country can help students better adapt to and integrate into the local learning environment.

In addition, parents also need to choose a suitable study abroad agency or consultant for their children. Study abroad agencies can provide professional consulting services to help parents solve various problems during the study abroad process.

Achievements After Studying Abroad

Studying abroad has a positive impact on the development of students in public primary schools in China. Firstly, studying abroad can broaden students’ international perspectives and enhance their cross-cultural communication abilities. Through interacting and learning with students from different countries, students in public primary schools in China can have a better understanding of different cultures and societies around the world, and cultivate their international competitiveness.

Secondly, studying abroad can also improve students’ language abilities. In the learning environment of the target country, students in public primary schools in China will have to use the language of the target country for studying and living, which will help them improve their language proficiency more quickly.

Lastly, the experience of studying abroad can also cultivate students’ independence and self-confidence. During the study abroad period, they need to independently handle life and study issues, and this experience will make them more confident and mature.


Public primary school students in China choose to study abroad in order to obtain better educational resources and cultivate comprehensive qualities. Preparations before studying abroad include understanding the education system of the destination country, learning the language and culture of the target country, and choosing a suitable study abroad agency. After studying abroad, students in public primary schools in China can promote their personal development through gaining international perspectives, improving language abilities, and cultivating independence.



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